Monday, September 10, 2012

Vino y Velo

Wow, this Blog thing is a lot harder than I thought. I raced off at the start with a few good (well I thought they were) posts, where the words flowed quite easily from keyboard to screen. Now I find myself at a bit of a loss because, well, not much has happened this week that I think my vast readership would appreciate (by the way, a big "An nyoung ha seh yo" to my one fan from South Korea).

I did briefly start typing up a post on unions, their pro's and con's and the rather negative interactions that I always seem to have with them. However, it just seemed to form all the hallmarks of an ill-informed rant so I shut it down. I will say this; don't ever accuse someone of being a "scab". I believe everyone has the right to choose to work under the conditions that are made available to them. Sure, solidarity is required for the group as a whole to benefit but "je ken en andre mensen boek niet lezen" (you can't read another man's book) - let people choose their own course. Don't heckle them whilst they do it.

I digress. Some very good things happened this weekend; wine drinking and bike riding.

Saturday morning started early with a couple of hours on the bike so as to be back in time to get on the winery tour bus. This early start meant I was back in time to finally try the coffee at "Jamaica Blue"... Ah well, disappointment is the wrong word to use as I never expected it to be any good. I was right. The only redeeming feature of the whole experience was the "ok" banana loaf (not bread, loaf). Take note all you Melbourne coffee/cafe snobs; STAY WHERE YOU ARE THERE IS NOTHING FOR YOU HERE! Actually, I did get some very very good coffee, avocado on toast and service at "A Mother's Milk" at 105 Unley Road, Adelaide. Go there, not here.

Where was I? Ok, so after all that I finally made my way down to the bus (on my new sweet sweet Fixxay - built by Spiro. I now believe that after riding down the main street on it in jeans, leather jacket and Holbrooks, I'm Pirie's first hipster). The winery tour and lunch were fantastic and it was really good to get out with the work crowd in a social setting. I bought some wine but the bus trip back seemed to soak most of that up (don't worry Dad, I saved you one). Although, as is often the case, the wine loosened the lips and brought out a confession by one of the party that he had touched his sisters boobs... but only so that he could give his opinion on her new boob job... he's also Brazilian so I guess that's cool?

After that bombshell we made our way back into town and in time for a couple of beers at the pub, as I went to leave (on sweet fixxay) a young guy that worked at the pub came running out; "I thought I was the only fixie rider in town?" he said. He mentioned that he was looking for someone to ride with and after admiring my bike for a little bit he said "shit, I better get back to work". I'll let him know about FOA in a little bit, don't want his mind blown just yet.

It was also a perfect day in Pirie today so I grabbed colleague, Dan Brown, and headed out to Port Germein where I'd ridden a few weeks back. We rode out through the gorge, down towards Laura and to the greatest pie stop on the planet "Stone Hut". One great egg and bacon pie, crap coffee and good "Chester Square" (it had pink icing) and we were back on the road for a mostly downhill run, and fun descent through the gorge, back to Pt. Germein.


PS. Here's a photo from work. On the daily!

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